Why I'm Building Folksable

If I were to leave this world today... Would I be proud of the life that I lived...?

Would the world be different even in the smallest measure, hopefully, better because I existed...?

While some may argue that the world doesn't bear the weight of anyone's memory, thereby rendering our actions inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.

Why not just live your life, get settled like a little puddle, try not to bash into the walls too much, try to be alive, have fun while you're there, retire, and wait for death, why do anything else...?

I think for me, it's not about the world's memory; it's about my own. I seek solace in knowing that I've influenced the trajectory of the world ever so slightly with my creations, towards the way I want it to be different, because I disagree with the path that it is on.

It's about inspiring and reminding people about Greatness. I yearn for a world where greatness isn't a rarity but rather a quality that people live by and strive for every day. A world where individuals aren't afraid to forge their own paths in search of their own greatness.

Because it inspires the creation of great art in the world, which then inspires others to pursue greatness, and create this cascading effect, resulting in high-quality goods and services all over the world.

Greatness is not to be confused with being the greatest, which I believe is a popularity contest and crudely reduces all art into one dimension stripping them of their texture and depth to the point where what's being compared is no longer what was created, whereas greatness is a quality everybody can have.

Love from,
